
This page lists note-worthy classes and data models.


The top-level package with the main class:

  • EnergyQuantified: The client class. Use this class to initialize the client with an API key and to access API operations.

There is also additional class available here:

  • RealtoConnection: An alternative client class for Realto users. Use this class to connect to the API via a Realto subscription.

Where the time series, period-based series and OHLC data models are implemented:

  • Timeseries: The time series data model. A time series is more or less a series of values. There are three different value types:

  • TimeseriesList: A list of time series objects.

  • Periodseries: The period-based series data model. It has two different period types:

  • OHLC: A data class for a single OHLC. OHLC objects has a reference to:

    • Product: A description of a traded product (future contract).

  • OHLCList: A list of OHLC data objects.

  • SRMC: The server response from an short-run marginal cost (SRMC) calculation. It has multiple attributes, most are defined and used elsewhere. But it has one that is specific for SRMC:

    • SRMCOptions: A data class holding all factors used in an SRMC calculation.

  • AbsoluteResult: The absolute forecast data model. It has multiple attributes, most of which are defined and used elsewhere, but the items attribute is a list of AbsoluteItem’s exclusively used in AbsoluteResult:

    • AbsoluteItem: A data class consisting of an instance and a value. The value is the instance’s forecasted value for the delivery of the AbsoluteResult.


Metadata classes are data classes with constants, such as enumerators. There are quite many classes in energyquantified.metadata:

  • These two enumerators are useful for aggregation:

    • Aggregation: Aggregetion methods such as mean, max, min, and so forth.

    • Filter: Enumerator of filters for electricity futures products such as base, peak.

  • Area: Representing a price area (or country). An area has a set of exchange Border with some capacity Allocation.

  • Curve: The identifier of any data series on Energy Quantified. Curves have a CurveType to define its storage types (time series, instance, period-based, OHLC) and DataType for its data type (forecast, normal, actual, etc.)

  • Instance: The identifier of any instance (forecasts, mostly).

  • Place: An identifier of anything with a geographical location, such as a powerplant, a large consumer, a location on a river. See PlaceType for all types.

  • For OHLC data, these metadata classes are used:

    • OHLCField: Enumerator of fields in OHLC data objects.

    • ContractPeriod: Enumerator of contract periods for OHLC data objects. Typically week, month, quarter, year.

  • These classes are used for subscription information:


User classes provide details for the user account:


Date and time utilities.

  • Resolution: A combination of a frequency and a timezone. It has utility methods for stepping forward and backward in a given interval.

  • Frequency: Enumerator of supported frequencies on Energy Quantified. Mostly used for aggregations and in combination with resolutions.

  • Commonly used timezones in the European power markets:

    • UTC – Universal Time

    • CET – Central European Time

    • EET – Eastern European Time

    • WET – Western European Time

    • TRT – Turkish Time

  • local_tz(): Get your the local timezone on your workstation.

  • Useful functions to get dates and date-times:

    • now(): Get a timezone aware date-time of the current time.

    • today(): Get a timezone aware date-time of the today at midnight.

    • to_timezone(): Convert a date-time to given timezone.

    • get_date(): Create a date with sensible defaults.

    • get_datetime(): Create a date-time with sensible defaults.


Most utilities are internals, but there is one public-facing class in utils:

  • Page: An immutable list with paging support. Typically used by the metadata APIs to browse “pages” when searching for curves and places.


All exceptions are defined in this package.

Implementation of event models and related metadata classes:

Events from the stream are accessed through, and there are a few different event models. What is common for all events is that they have the event_type property with an The different events and possible event types:

  • CurveUpdateEvent: The curve event data model. Curve events describe change in data for a Curve, sometimes also related to an Instance. How data is changed is described by the event_type:

  • ConnectionEvent: Describes change in the stream connection, such as the cause of a disconnect. Possible event types:

  • TimeoutEvent: Filler event that enable users to act in between events during quiet times. Timeout events are only generated if the timeout parameter is set when iterating The single event type:

    • EventType.TIMEOUT: No new events in the last timeout seconds

Subscribe to curve events in with a list of any of the following filters:

A successful subscribe returns a object which consists of the filters and (optionally) event ID subscribed with, confirmed by the server.

Request the currently active curve event filters from the server with