Python client for Energy Quantified's Time Series API ===================================================== Release |version| (:doc:`Installation `) .. image:: :alt: Apache License version 2.0 .. image:: :alt: Python 3.7+ .. image:: :alt: PyPI – Wheel The official Python library for `Energy Quantified `_'s Time Series API. It allows you to access thousands of data series directly from Energy Quantified's time series database. It integrates with the popular `pandas `_ library for high-performance data analysis and manipulation. Developed for **Python 3.7+**. .. code-block:: python from datetime import date, timedelta from energyquantified import EnergyQuantified # Initialize client eq = EnergyQuantified(api_key='') # Free-text search (filtering on attributes is also supported) curves = eq.metadata.curves(q='de wind production actual') # Load time series data curve = curves[0] timeseries = eq.timeseries.load( curve, - timedelta(days=10), ) # Convert to Pandas data frame df = timeseries.to_dataframe() Features ^^^^^^^^ - Simple authentication - Metadata caching - Rate-limiting and automatic retries on network errors - Full-text search and keyword search for curves and powerplants - Forecasts- and time series data - Period-based data - OHLC data with SRMC calculations - Shows your subscription for each data series - Support for timezones, resolutions, aggregations and unit conversions - Easy-to-use filters for issue dates and forecast types - Push feed for live updates on data modifications - Integrates with pandas **Note:** A user account is required to use this client. You can create one on Energy Quantified's `home page `_. License ^^^^^^^ The Energy Quantified Python client is licensed under the `Apache License version 2.0 `_. Getting started ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 intro/install intro/quickstart intro/quickstart-realto User guide ^^^^^^^^^^ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 userguide/terminology userguide/auth userguide/metadata userguide/timeseries userguide/instances userguide/periods userguide/period-instances userguide/ohlc userguide/srmc userguide/pandas userguide/push-feed Reference ^^^^^^^^^ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 reference/packages reference/reference Other ^^^^^ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 reference/changelog Indices and tables ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`